MSPs: Why Selling Data Protection Opens Doors to New SMB Revenues Even During Economic Uncertainty

APRIL 26TH, 2023

By Ahsan Siddiqui, Director, Product Management, Arcserve

In the face of worldwide economic uncertainty, many SMBs are slowing or stopping initiatives that require investments. But standing still has its risks. Global cyberattacks increased by 38 percent in 2022, while in an Arcserve global study of IT decision-makers, 41 percent of respondents said their disaster recovery plans weren’t updated.

It’s probably safe to assume that any organization that isn’t keeping its disaster recovery plan up to date also doesn’t have the data protection solutions needed to fend off and recover from cyberattacks. That translates into an opportunity for channel partners. Staying competitive in today’s digital age demands that managed service providers (MSPs) adapt and embrace new opportunities—even in the face of uncertainty.

That means taking bold stops that position your MSP business for long-term success in a dynamic and challenging market.

Focus on Data Security

Data security solutions offer a substantial MSP market opportunity. As cyberattacks and data breaches continue to increase, companies of all sizes are looking for ways to protect their sensitive data and ensure it is always secure. That means you need to have a firm grasp of the various data security solutions out there and be able to recommend the best one for each customer.

SMBs stand out because they are typically dealing with massive data growth. At the same time, they want to spend less time managing their backup and storage infrastructure, instead focusing their IT teams on priorities that deliver business value, such as deploying new applications. And they are investing in IT in a big way, with a survey by Analysis Mason predicting worldwide IT SMB spending will reach $1.45 trillion in 2023.

The same survey found that 37 percent of SMBs plan to switch channel partners in 2023. That means you not only need to stand out to capture new business, but you also need to maintain—and strengthen—your standing as a trusted partner to your existing customers.

Recommend Immutable Scale-Out Storage

You can help your SMB customers address their explosive data growth by recommending a cost-effective, scale-out storage solution that can be adapted to their specific requirements. The best solution lets the SMB only pay for what they need. That can start with a single node with a few terabytes of data, but it should also seamlessly scale to multiple petabytes—with zero configuration or application changes needed.

It would be best if you chose a storage vendor partner that offers recognized leading data security technologies, like immutable storage.

Immutability is a type of data storage where data, once written, can’t be modified or deleted. Immutable storage makes a difference because it ensures your customers always have access to an intact, current copy of their data. That can be vital if they are hit by a systems outage or cyberattack, when accessing data stored on the affected systems may be difficult or impossible.

Offer SaaS Backup

By the end of 2023, 99 percent of companies will use at least one software as a service (SaaS) application, according to Zippia’s SaaS Industry Trends and Projections. These cloud-based applications—which generate crucial company data—are driving the need for more robust, secure backup solutions. While cloud providers do their part to safeguard customer data, ultimately, it’s the customer’s responsibility to ensure their data is backed up, protected, and recoverable.

Cloud providers can’t control everything. User error, hardware failure, natural disasters, and malicious attacks are all events that can lead to data loss. And they are all outside the control of cloud providers.

That spells an opportunity for MSPs that offer SaaS backup services. Helping your customers protect their critical data and ensure they can quickly and easily recover it during an outage or disaster positions you as their trusted partner.

Offering SaaS backup solutions also lets you:

  • Differentiate your business from competitors by delivering a unique and valuable service
  • Generate a steady and recurring revenue stream as SaaS backup is typically sold on a subscription basis
  • Build stronger customer relationships by helping address a critical pain point

Secure Remote Workforces

The pandemic forced many SMBs to pivot to remote and hybrid work models. With more employees working from home, it’s more important than ever that companies stay vigilant in addressing the security challenges that come with a remote workforce.

With employees everywhere, data can be fragmented, increasing your customers’ vulnerabilities. Many challenges are associated with remote workforces, from securing remote access to company networks and data to protecting against phishing attacks and malware that target remote workers.

With hybrid work becoming the new normal, SMBs are looking for cost-effective solutions that ensure their data is backed up and protected, even in remote environments. These solutions range from backup services to security protocols that protect customer data against cyber threats without requiring additional resources or capital investments.

Be a Standout Data Protection Partner

As an MSP, you can play a crucial role in ensuring your customers’ data stays secure, no matter where its employees work. One way to do so is by offering secure remote access to company networks and data. That can range from role-based access controls (RBAC) to multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Another way is providing training and educational tools for your customers’ employees so they can identify suspicious activity, recognize threats, and avoid phishing attacks and other social engineering schemes. It’s best if the program includes regular reminders about the importance of strong passwords.

You can also help your customers develop and implement comprehensive cybersecurity policies and procedures tailored to their unique hybrid work environment. It can include guidelines for secure remote access and protocols for handling sensitive data—and responding to potential threats.

Helping customers develop comprehensive disaster recovery plans is another high-value service. We share some suggestions for ways MSPs can gain executive buy-in for creating disaster recovery plans in this blog post.

Uncertain Times Demand Certainty of Recovery

Your customers—and potential customers—depend on their data more than ever. If they can’t access it, operations can come to a dead stop. As an Arcserve partner, you can offer data resilience, protection, backup, and disaster recovery solutions and services that ensure customer data can always be recovered and fast.

As an MSP, that positions you for success.

Learn more about becoming an Arcserve technology partner here.

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