MSP Partner Secures Customers’ Microsoft 365 Data With Arcserve SaaS Backup

JULY 18TH, 2023

As a leader in the IT virtualization, security, and storage markets in France, INSIA offers a comprehensive suite of solutions, from benchmarking exercises and assessments to establishing customer requirements to ongoing technical support and data management.

INSIA’s services are built around four complementary competencies: virtualization, storage, security, and high availability. The company helps its customers implement and manage hybrid infrastructures, integrating on-premises and cloud resources and leveraging SaaS solutions.

SaaS Data Backup Is a Priority

Like many MSPs today, INSIA is always looking for better ways to protect its customers’ data. That’s especially true of SaaS data from applications like Microsoft 365, which is often the very lifeblood of a business. “Many organizations aren’t aware that very few SaaS solutions include data backups as a standard service,” said Sabir Tapory, CEO of INSIA. “If critical data from a Microsoft 365 account—or even the account itself—is mistakenly deleted, there’s no going back. Our customers need a solution that enables them to safely back up the data they store on cloud-based SaaS services.”

One INSIA customer asked the company to design and implement a solution to back up data across 800 Microsoft 365 accounts. “Our customer had just migrated to Microsoft 365,” said Tapory. “To fulfill their requirements, we investigated the solutions capable of protecting SaaS data.” An Arcserve partner for nearly a decade, INSIA included Arcserve products in its analysis.

A Simple, Transparent Solution

Critical criteria for INSIA was that the solution needed to be simple to implement, manage, and use, with a transparent and flexible price structure. “There are several solutions that enable users to back up data from SaaS applications, but Arcserve SaaS Backup stands out for its ease of installation and use,” said Tapory. “The cloud-to-cloud backup solution ticks all the boxes: rapid rollout, an intuitive management console, and simple recovery. Plus, it’s all based on a solid technical infrastructure with data backed up to Arcserve data centers and fast, efficient support.”

INSIA initiated a two-month proof of concept (POC) exercise. As a result, the customer decided to deploy Arcserve SaaS Backup, citing the solution’s ease of data recovery and the fact that backups are stored in data centers in Europe to meet compliance requirements.

Arcserve’s cost structure was also a critical factor. With costs based on the number of Microsoft 365 accounts for backup—and no limit on storage capacity—the customer has a transparent and predictable bill

“Arcserve suggested that we move to an MSP (managed service provider) structure as it was more beneficial for us,” explained Tapory. “A base cost is established to cover the 800 existing Microsoft 365 accounts, and any additional accounts are simply billed at the end of the year according to a fixed price per account. This model makes it very easy for us to support our customers as they grow.”

Controlled, Optimized Costs

“When a customer sets up Microsoft 365 accounts for new employees, Arcserve SaaS Backup automatically includes them in backups, without any limits on storage capacity or retention rates,” says Tapory. “Our customer has complete control of recovery operations, with our team at INSIA providing support whenever needed. After almost a year of use, however, the customer hasn’t needed to call us once about data backup or recovery issues.”

Each month, INSIA provides a report on the volume of data backed up and the number of Microsoft 365 accounts. This information enables the customer to track and optimize costs. 

Following the success of this initial deployment, new SaaS backup projects have come in quickly for INSIA, with far larger account volumes. “We can now capitalize on our excellent knowledge of the solution, as well as its transparent and controlled cost structure,” said Tapory. “No matter how large a Microsoft 365 account is, Arcserve SaaS Backup will protect it—and that is a powerful sales argument,” comments Tapory. “This factor could drive companies to ditch their file servers in favor of OneDrive or SharePoint accounts, which benefit from the scalability inherent in cloud computing.”

Arcserve SaaS Backup Spells Opportunity

Arcserve SaaS Backup is a powerful opportunity for MSPs looking to offer Microsoft SaaS solutions such as Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure Active Directory, Salesforce, and Google Workspace. For existing Arcserve MSP partners—like INSIA—Arcserve SaaS Backup helps you elevate service delivery and effortlessly plug into new and predictable revenue streams with an expanded service offering that solves all customer business continuity challenges

With Arcserve Saas Backup, you bring offsite replication and 3-2-1-1 backup strategy best-practices solutions to your customers. The results? Higher margins, a predictable cost structure, and optimized resources.

Learn more about becoming an Arcserve technology partner and the exceptional incentives our Partner Success Channel Program offers. Or dig deeper by requesting an Arcserve SaaS Backup demo.

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