How MSPs Can Succeed in the Cloud Security Market

MAY 20TH, 2019
If you own or work for an MSP, you’ll likely understand the struggles of developing the perfect solution for your clients. Besides all the difficulties that go along with pricing your services, deciding which services will sell well and should be bundled together can be a real challenge. One thing’s for sure, if your MSP isn’t offering cloud-related services, you’re missing out on some serious cheddar. According to CompTIA’s 2018 Trends in Cloud Computing report, a whopping 91% of enterprises use the cloud in at least one aspect of their business, while nearly half of all companies surveyed claim 31-60% of their IT systems are cloud-based. The cloud has become a foundation for the development of modern IT architectures, and therefore, its accessories should now be considered an essential piece of MSP offerings.

Where Do I Start?

Start with security. If your clients are using the public cloud for any or all applications, it should be your responsibility to inform them of associated risks. It’s also to your advantage to offer a security solution that resolves these pain points. Security technology that comes along with most clouds isn’t sufficient enough to keep data safe (as evidenced by the major hacks of sites like Equifax, Facebook, and DropBox). By offering added encryption and other security techniques to your clients’ clouds, you’re assuring them you understand and can address all their cybersecurity needs. Plus, regulations like GDPR and HIPPA subject companies with unsecured clouds to massive fines and restrictions. Just one more reason why your MSP should add cloud security to your list of service offerings.

Will the Market Keep Growing?

In short, absolutely. Because the use of IoT and connected tech is expanding, the way the cloud is being leveraged is also moving forward. Since there’s a knowledge gap in the still-new world of IoT and its link to the cloud, MSPs will have the opportunity to be looked to as experts who can secure this technology.

Add Cloud Security to Your Offerings, but Not Solo

Instead of offering cloud security as a service on its own, you’ll likely find more success adding it to an existing security solution you already offer. Instead of selling it separately from your clients’ security packages, add it in. It’ll make you stand out from a lot of MSPs who do only offer it as a stand-alone service, and show you’re thinking more about the overall needs of your clients. At StorageCraft, we help MSPs find data storage, backups, and recovery solutions to fit their needs perfectly. Let us take care of your data security so you can focus on keeping your clients’ IT up and running. Contact us today to learn more about what solutions will work best for your MSP.

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