Over the past few months, I have blogged and presented about the furious spread of ransomware and its dire consequences on business and personal data. A recent article published by NBC reiterates our position, highlighting the massive devastation ransomware has on businesses of all sizes. And unfortunately, this issue isn’t going away any time soon. In fact, we expect this pandemic to not only continue, but to intensify in scope. Case in point: according to the FBI, ransomware payments in 2016 were expected to hit a billion dollars, compared to just $24 million paid in 2015.
The only silver lining in all of this rests with organizations that take a serious look at their data protection infrastructures, and make it a priority to not only strengthen their threat detection capabilities, but their backup and recovery practices as well. I say this simply because unified data protection solutions are the answer to ransomware, should an infection get through. Not only do they make organizations more resilient against malware attacks, but also many other data and systems interruption events.
Remember, all it takes is one hit! While it’s critical to have threat/security solutions in place, Arcserve delivers the only way to prevent having to pay a ransom by getting your data back, wherever it resides.