It’s been one of those bad tech days. Your phone that was on its last legs just went dead. You lost the charger for your tablet, and your laptop seems to be running slower than usual. Is that about to break, too? Well, since you bought it a year ago, the chances of it being on its last legs should be quite low. Can it be chalked up to a poor connection? Possibly. But you’re sitting right next to your router, and the weather is clear. Your next instinct tells you that you’ve been breached. Is that really the case, though?
Here are a few sure-fire ways to tell your system is under attack:
You were right to assume you may have been the victim of a cyberattack by the speed of your machine. You may even notice an odd lag happening while you’re working offline. Even though you won’t notice it right away, malware and other malicious software operate by running in the background of your gadget, meaning they eat away at your resources while the device is running.
Another sign of these viruses running behind the scenes is your data usage. If you notice it’s been higher than usual, it’s likely some sort of worm causing your device to visit sites and click ads without your knowledge.
You’ve typed it in once and typed it in again with extra care, and it still won’t let you access your account. This is a good indication that a hacker breached your system and changed your password to prevent you from gaining access to your account.
Plus, if you notice messages and or emails in your sent box that you didn’t actually send, you’ve definitely been breached.
Your machine slows down

You lose control on and off
You can’t perform updates
A password you know inside and out no longer works

Your device suddenly restarts
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