Healthcare is Changing in Light of Big Data

JULY 27TH, 2018
Once business sectors can sort and analyze big data, their potential efficiency and earnings will skyrocket. Organizations in almost every industry can benefit. For example, retail companies will be able to maintain a useful database of customer information to hyper-target and personalize their communications, insurance companies will be able to simplify their premium calculating systems, and social networking sites can harness big data to display targeted ads and posts to their users.

The Numbers

One sector that will see much progress during the boom is the healthcare industry. BIS Research reports big data in the global healthcare market is on track to hit $68.75 billion by 2025. Plus, the report was published before the EU's recent $24 billion investment in artificial intelligence, meaning the prediction has likely increased. However, how can healthcare professionals leverage the big data at their disposal?

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things is a massive contributor to the big data boom. The number of connected devices found in homes, offices and other everyday places across the globe is exponential. Let’s not forget about the connected devices we wear on the go. Current wearable fitness devices can track and store user details about daily exercise, heart rates, diet and more. Healthcare professionals could collect and analyze this data to better understand the habits of people with different diseases like diabetes. They would be able to determine exactly how someone is leading their health astray to change outcomes for future sufferers. As wearables become more advanced, there will be an opportunity to learn more about the medical and bodily statistics of entire populations. Information like blood pressure, nutritional levels, and organ function will be stored to help identify issues in future generations.

Big Data versus Cancer

Cancer cases have become part of the average person’s life with a one in two chance of cancerous cell development in American males. As such, medical researchers are always working on effective methods of identification, diagnosis, and treatment. Data stored from past patients will be able to uncover commonalities between patients with the same or similar diseases. It could simplify the medication and treatment process for those who suffer from any form of the disease. The trends in DNA and tumor data that can be mined from previous patients will help doctors predict who is likely to suffer from the disease as demonstrated in their genes. Being able to predict these illnesses before they develop means action can be taken to prevent them from causing severe damage.

The Future

It seems as though the big data boom will be responsible for many positive medical advancements in the near and distant future. Though it may take a while to solve the challenges involved with sorting and analyzing years and years of medical data, the industry is in a high position to handle the rapid growth it is set to see in the upcoming years. Whether you’re a medical researcher or the owner of an SMB, having a reliable storage and backup system to sort, analyze and defend data is a necessity for companies hoping to take advantage the big data boom. At StorageCraft, we are the data recovery pros. We offer a variety of solutions for your data storage and online data recovery needs. Contact us today to learn more!Conclusion
There is no holding back the rapidly rising amount of data in healthcare. Data is essential in all areas from diagnostic tests to medical images, you are needing to find a solution that helps you store, analyze, and view information. Modern data demands call for healthcare organizations to build their IT infrastructure to be more flexible and scalable. OneBlox 4312 offers you just that, a solution that simplifies the ever-growing storage needs.

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