MSPs: How SaaS Backup Strengthens Your Data Resilience Offerings


Software as a service (SaaS) has taken hold in a big way, with Statista finding that the U.S. SaaS market was about $146 billion in 2021 and will increase by an impressive 28 percent, reaching $195 billion by 2023. The reasons for this growth are evident as companies that switch to SaaS realize lower costs, faster time to usage, more effortless scalability and integration with existing systems, and anywhere accessibility to software that is always up to date.

In 2022, SaaS companies had around 59 billion customers worldwide. That means SaaS apps generate massive amounts of your customers’ precious data. That same year, over 60 percent of all corporate data—often generated by SaaS applications—was stored in the cloud.

And who’s responsible for ensuring that cloud data is protected? A survey by BetterCloud found that 81 percent of IT pros say they are responsible for protecting sensitive data within SaaS apps. These same folks are likely also aware of the shared responsibility model, which leaves their organization responsible for its data, endpoints, account, and access management.

But SaaS presents new challenges when it comes to data protection and backup. While most SaaS applications today guarantee up to 99.99 percent uptime, your customers will face costly consequences if any of their data is lost or unavailable. That’s especially true in today’s remote and hybrid work environments, where sensitive data can be generated anywhere.

Why Offer SaaS Backup?

With almost every business dependent on SaaS applications to keep their operations moving, downtime—whether caused by human error, hackers, a disgruntled employee, or a technical issue—can be incredibly costly. But even those internal IT pros that recognize their responsibility for data protection may not have all the necessary safeguards to ensure SaaS data availability. And that spells opportunity for MSPs.

As an Arcserve MSP technology partner, you can offer Arcserve SaaS Backup and gain a competitive advantage by delivering complete SaaS data protection. Arcserve SaaS Backup is a cloud-native, cloud-to-cloud backup solution built to protect data hosted in SaaS application clouds like Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 Azure Active Directory (Active AD), Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce, and Google Workspace.

SaaS Backup Benefits Open Doors

With the IT pros at nearly every organization focused on data protection to some degree today, there are two straightforward questions MSPs can ask that are guaranteed to start a conversation with a potential customer. “Are you certain your SaaS data is protected from ransomware attacks, malware, and unforeseen disasters? Are your backups saved in an immutable format and easily recoverable?” If the answer is no, there’s much more to discuss. An excellent place to start is the list of benefits the Arcserve SaaS Backup delivers:

Immutable backups that deliver a last line of defense using a blockchain-based algorithm that allows your customers to recover an unaltered copy of their data even if ransomware attacks, malware, or malicious users strike.

• Cost-effective protection with a single price per seat that includes all SaaS data functionalities.

• Unlimited retention of backups throughout the life of the customers’ subscriptions.

• Unlimited data storage in an online cloud tier for fast access and restores.

• No additional costs for data traffic, including ingress, egress, and transactions.

• Simple setup that takes less than five minutes before starting protection.

• Easy management via a single pane of glass for fast navigation while offering complete control over the protected data.

• Multi-tenant and role-based access controls (RBAC).

SaaS Backup: A Secure, Scalable Differentiator

As an MSP, when you offer Arcserve SaaS Backup, you give your customers a secure, scalable, and highly-available option for SaaS data resilience. Data in transit and at rest is encrypted with a default 30-day delete retention. And four copies of your customers’ backup data are stored in two data centers within the same region, guaranteeing data sovereignty and redundancy.

Arcserve SaaS Backup delivers the broadest coverage for the most popular SaaS applications, and application updates are automated without stopping active jobs. It all adds up to giving you a leg up on the competition as you grow your MSP. Learn how you can become an Arcserve technology partner today. To find out more about Arcserve SaaS Backup, contact us.

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