MSPs: How to Make Backup and Disaster Recovery an Easy-to-Run Profit Center

MARCH 8TH, 2021

As an MSP, you can build a nice profit center on backup and disaster recovery (BDR). Most importantly, it’s also valuable for clients concerned about downtime and data loss—in truth that would likely be all of your clients. But there are a few things to get straight when we talk about BDR. Gone are the days of backing up data, worry as it is slowly recovered, and agonizing over the loss if something goes wrong. Threats like ransomware, malware, and targeted attacks from cybercriminals forced everyone to up our game.

So, let’s look at a few strategies for improving your approach to backup and disaster recovery. These not only help you enhance your capabilities, but they also help you ensure that BDR is the simple-to-manage revenue driver your business needs.

Thinking With Recovery in Mind

Backups are a pretty easy sell to clients. Investing in data loss prevention is something most businesses can get behind. But data loss is only one side of the coin. Your clients must also understand the costs associated with downtime.

Should hardware failure, malware, or ransomware lock down their systems, how long can they stand to be without them? For MSPs, the conversation around recovery time objectives (RTO) and recovery point objectives (RPO) is a great starting point for helping clients see how much they stand to lose. Once your clients understand that you can provide them with services that not only keep data safe but also keep them productive if a disaster happens, a more comprehensive BDR solution just about sells itself.

Finding the Right BDR Solution

MSPs often make one of two mistakes MSPs while searching for backup and disaster recovery solutions. The first is assuming one solution will neatly fit every client. A one-size-fits-all approach might cause some clients to pay for more than they need. Meanwhile, others might not be getting adequate protection from data loss and downtime. The second mistake is offering solutions that bring together a variety of vendors into one complex mess. As we’ve discussed before on this blog, there are many benefits to using a single vendor for backup and disaster recovery.

With the right vendor, you can improve efficiency, easily manage backup and recovery processes more easily, gain volume discounts, and cash in on other benefits crucial to maximizing profitability. So, consider finding a single vendor for backup and disaster recovery, but be sure whatever vendor you choose gives you the following:

  • Customization
    Every client is different, but you shouldn’t need a different vendor to meet every client’s needs. Look for one vendor that can provide everything from sophisticated BDR appliances for smaller clients, all the way to complex, customizable recovery solutions that meet the needs of enterprises.
  • Emphasis on Recovery
    As noted, backup and recovery go hand in hand. Be sure that the solution you use offers flexible recovery options. One client might need to be able to recover a server or other equipment from a local appliance. Others might need the ability to failover to a full virtual network in the cloud. Be sure your vendor offers everything you need.
  • Remote Management
    Remote management tools are critical if you want to make backup and disaster recovery easy. Your vendor should provide you with a cloud-based console for controlling the entire solution across multiple clients. With the right management tools, you can push backup agents to endpoints, monitor backups, replicate backups to the cloud, and even instantly virtualize machines in the cloud.
  • Stellar Support and Professional Services
    A good vendor won’t make you feel like you’re alone. Look for a vendor with a great support record so you can solve problems quickly when they arise. And if you happen to need a hand with engineering or implementing the best solution for your customers, the best vendors offer professional services to lend a hand.


BDR doesn’t have to be complicated. The right vendor can make a huge difference in terms of how difficult a solution is to manage and, ultimately, how profitable it can be for you. Do your research and decide if the solutions you’re using are helping you deliver high-value services to your clients while maximizing your profits. If not, it might be time to make a switch.

For all of the above—and more—check out the StorageCraft Partner Success Program. It’s free to join and gives you access to deal registration, marketing development funds, and more.

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