What Is Cloud Backup?

Cloud backup, also known as remote backup, is a solution to preserves digital files or databases at an offsite location in case of outage or equipment failure.

How Does Cloud Backup Work?

The main objective of cloud backup is to ensure continuous operation in case of a catastrophe, natural calamity, or an IT outage. For example, the service provider may offer file versioning, which allows the organization to recover files from a specific period prior to the catastrophic event. In a traditional setup, the cloud backup works by copying the organization’s data and migrating it to a remote server, where it can be accessed anytime.

Organizations can also customize their cloud backup service plans, such as the schedule of the backup, the bandwidth, and files to be added. The cloud backup service can be purchased online. After you have set up the software in your IT system, you can then select the files and applications that you want to protect.

What Are Cloud Backup Services?

Cloud backup services refer to the offsite facility that copies and stores your data on a cloud server. You can then access the data anytime you like, particularly during a system failure, natural disaster, or IT outage. The service provider is responsible for managing and supporting the remote cloud server.  Businesses can use the backup software provided by the service provider or utilize the many apps that are commercially available today.

What Is Cloud Backup Storage?

Cloud backup storage allows businesses to duplicate, store, and access data on a remote server using the Internet. The service provider takes care of backend support and maintenance. It also ensures that the server is fully functional and secure to ensure the integrity of the data. There are three types of cloud backup storage: private, public, and hybrid, which is a combination of both public and private servers for a more complete system. Typically, the organization can access the data without asking for permission from the service provider. However, the use of data is monitored by the service provider for billing purposes.